One woman's perspective of (twin) parenting (and other thoughts about things)
It is 4pm.
It is Easter Monday.
The year is 2021. I think. I mean it’s basically 2020 v2.0 at this point isn’t it?
Today is A Good Day because I finished all the baby admin (babmin?) before lunch. I even managed to do a couple of loads of washing this afternoon and - most miraculously of all - the babies (yes, plural, two at last count) have slept for long enough for me to do some study (current module: child psychology. It’s a double edged sword…)
I have reached the Nirvana of having Nothing To Do (I mean obviously I have a million things to do but nothing is on fire and nothing needs doing that my babies’ basic survival relies on).
I sit at my kitchen table and open my laptop. Today, I have decided, I shall Start My Blog.
No battery.
I look at the sleeping baby in the sling strapped to my front (the one that I can’t believe is still sleeping and could wake up angry at any point) and move, very slowly, to the dining table where my laptop charger is plugged in.
The charger is not there.
I realise it’s plugged in half way across the room from the last time we video called a grandparent, and it’s nowhere near anywhere I can sit down with a sleeping baby in a sling.
I walk (very smoothly) over to where the charger is plugged in, I lower myself (as smoothly as possible, given the current state of my core muscles) to the floor, unplug the charger, stand up (as smoothly as my knees will allow), take it over to the dining table, lower myself to the floor again (no need for yoga today), plug it in, stand up (my knees hate me), plug in my laptop and sit down at the table.
The baby is still asleep. It’s a miracle.
However, it is now 4.20pm.
This, my friends, is parenthood. For a Type A obsessive over-achiever like myself, one of the biggest challenges of parenthood is that everything now takes So Damn Long. And a lot of it is Really Boring.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. This one is just to say hi.
So, hi. Welcome. Stick around if you want to read about the random contents of my head, which on any given day could include (but not be limited to):
On that note, it’s 4.30pm, the babies are starting to rouse for food, and I’ve recently discovered that if you feed them before they scream, everybody has a better chance of getting out alive. So until next time…