Open Parenthesis
One woman's perspective of (twin) parenting (and other thoughts about things)
15 July, 2023:
An open letter to the woman who made me cry today (Or "Kindness, always kindness")
1 July, 2022:
Where did those two months go? (Or "Getting better at (truly) living in the moment")
18 February, 2022:
Requiem for a (blogging) dream (Or "The best laid plans of a woman who wanted to write and remember")
26 December, 2021:
Why (early) parenting is so tiring (Or "Could I interest you in all the change all of the time?")
18 August, 2021:
Today was A Bad Day (Or "Why I will never tell a new parent to 'treasure the early days'")
29 July, 2021:
To blog or not to blog (Or "Learning to let go")