Open Parenthesis

One woman's perspective of (twin) parenting (and other thoughts about things)

A Good Day!

(Or "Making like The Weakest Link and BANKING it")

OK friends, hold onto your hats.

Yesterday we had as close as we’ve been for many months to The Perfect Day (ugh earworm, sorry).

I talk elsewhere about not telling parents to ‘treasure the early days’ because NOPE, but the flip side of that is that it is really important to take time to recognise when you do have a good day.

So here I am.

It’s not a case of “I think we’ve finally cracked xyz!” or “thank goodness that horrendous phase of abc is over, I don’t think I could’ve taken anymore!” because the longer I parent, the more I realise that there’s always another phase just around the corner, and there’s not really such a thing as completely cracking xyz (unless you’ve literally just thrown away the dummies and wild horses couldn’t compel you to go back down that road)… Instead, in a very mindful fashion, I think it’s about saying “You know what? That was a Really Good Day, and whatever happens today or tomorrow or next week or next month, nobody can take it away.”

In other words, make like the wise contestants on The Weakest Link and BANK when you know you’ve got a good thing going.

This particular Good Day started with a bump, as days sometimes do - Smol T woke themselves up too early, got in a bit of a tizz, and “weebling” (tipping them over in the hope they work the rest out by themselves) wasn’t cutting it… So into bed with Mummy and Daddy it was, in the hope that we all got another ten minutes sleep…

However, from that point on, we had a blinder, despite the fact that we are all still getting over The First Big Cold.


Happy Mummy :)
